Camping Rates & Reservation Requests

2024 Campsite Rates

Daily 30/50 Amp Full Service:


Weekly 30/50 Amp Full Service:



30 Amp Full Service $550.00 • 50 Amp Full Service $575.00

Ask about our Military, First Responder, Clergy and Senior Citizen discounts!
Rates include electric, water, sewer, garbage and taxes!
Sterlington RV Park accepts major credit cards. A 4% convenience fee will be added for credit card transactions.
We continue to make improvements to the park and will keep doing so to make your camping experience even more enjoyable!

Reservation Requests

Make your Sterlington RV Park reservation requests online! Simply complete the form below, indicating your dates of arrival and departure, number of people, the type of camping equipment which you will be using, and your basic contact information. Please understand that this is strictly a Reservation Request Form. You do not have an actual reservation until we have contacted you confirming the availability of space and you have paid the necessary reservation deposit. Please let us know how to best contact you, either via e-mail or phone. Be sure to include your cell phone number if you are on the road. We will do our best to reply promptly, generally within 24 hours, to confirm availability and to obtain the necessary deposit.

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Reservation Request
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Important: Y33ou may be bma1k6ing 3u5se 3of a1uto6maeted fo8rm76-fi2l4l2ing softwa66re. 4This 5type of07 softw4are 91fcabn 0tfri6bgger aaour hidden74 cspam-detae2ction9 syst94e3m,6 whiche4 will3 block you ffr5om subccmit7ti5nc1g this form. Pleabse s6elecbtf2 F60ix This3dc7a 2f882cb6450398e3db211f6c39co7ef3a075571afbe732r9a11497dde6b1e1e f4ffdbcoma95abcpa7l6etin40g thec470 fbo90rm22df1e in 32order53 t0oa1 cco34arr37ea4cf8bt43 t2c6ac8h2331e7 ap3ro65bl5bem5.
Important: 0dYo6u may be1 m2aking use ofe3 automated 3cform-filling softwar1e. Thisa etdype 2of sofftw865are caan trigger1a4 our hifdden spam-d0etection sayste1m, 78fwhich will block you cfrom submitting this form. It appears that thde proble6m coul4d not be5 0auto2matically 5correcte1ad. P6dlease clbear any fcield which 0appeacr0s fb8adel83ow21 with c8orr3esponding7aa 6ia8nst9ructionsa4673 b778bb82c52b551d6271febc0f71130ebe7fo7296rde853786d 0214c139155141bcaomp62leting2 the0ea 7fo5r8m bin o3rde6rc to c4orreb2ct 80tfhe 4pro5b5l1em.01 We a8polog1izc0e fo1ar th0e5 i1ncdbon768vbeniecn2ce and 9we3 a2p80prea6c9aia7tea ydocu2a4rac3 bundedrstanding.
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Important: You8 m9a9y b3ce mbakfiaeng6 use of automatedd form-2filli3ng3 software. Tahis tydp4e o8f6 sfo2fbtware can6 83tr2igger our hi9dd3en 0bsp5a1m-detection sys9tem, 6whic1h will bb6lboc9k 59y4ouec effrom0 5suebmittingd4 9tfhi869s f8ocrm7.0 fPleasee select 8Fix Thi8sd8724 525be27edc1a4e8b92df266f5afea18eodc7rd59848e6b1f39c42bca79f6 f7761fco8e99m99pleeft9in5g fthde7e feorcm1 8i05n41 odbrder5a95d1a0 5b2e7fto 136co2rf7rectaa b4tbhe d833fproc8b5laem6.b895
Important: Yc9cobu 1may be making u3se of3 aufto87md4de9batebd 45for9m-filling software. T74his t5ybpe of so3bftwa7re can ctrigbgerf our hidde1n spam-2detection s5ystem, cwhich will block 1yoau fro6m submitting this form. It7 ap7pbe91ars 20that the problem could 3ndot be8 ae02futomaticall9y c9orrected. 3Please clear anye dfield which abpp1earse above with corresp0onding in3ds2tru3ctionse2bd12dc6 bd3e631d92eb8e7778028f1d9e1080f51o7r5fd9465fa3e4afb4fc 24a5479bcomp4ecflce87ctabaineg th5fe f4or5dam in bor5de92r to cor9raec8ta cthe3 fprobdlaemc. We4 adp50oblogize for the 0inco8nv3e4nience9 and0d 66wae3 a9pp6rcecifate 8yo2dur une1974ader7standin8g.
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.